The original 3x3x3 Rubik's cube has 43 252 003 274 489 856 000 combinations, or 43 quintillion. And like life, we have 43 quintillion issues, problems, choices. But if you have a few basic rules, you can solve most of your problems and issues (like in the Rubik's cube) in 20 moves or less. Learn more.

"It was with Coach Mix that I realized all of us have full control of our lives, and that no other individual or entity in this world has control on us other than ourselves. And with that, all of us should live our lives by our own design, own choices, own decisions, and not by how most people live theirs. "

- Gab Bernalte

Hi, I’m Mix

I'm not your "GURU". I'm not a psychologist, psychiatrist, motivational speaker.

I'm here to empower you to live life by YOUR OWN DESIGN, not by the default your parents, your neighbors, your former teachers placed on you.

Looking forward in our partnership.